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2022-2023 USLAW NETWORK Board of Directors announced
USLAW NETWORK membership elected the 2022-23 Board of Directors during the recent USLAW NETWORK’s fall member meeting in Austin, Texas.
New leadership includes Amanda Pennington Ketchum of Dysart Taylor in Kansas City, Missouri as chair, Oscar J. Cabanas of Wicker Smith in Miami as vice chair, and Kenneth B. Wingate of Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A. in Columbia, South Carolina, will serve as secretary/treasurer. Ketchum takes over from Rodney L Umberger of Williams Kastner in Seattle who will stay on the executive committee as immediate past chair. Thomas S. Thornton, III of Carr Allison in Birmingham, Alabama, has been selected to move to the Executive Committee.
New members to the board of directors include Barbara Barron of MehaffyWeber in Houston and Michael C. Tyson of Wickers Smith in Orlando who will serve in an ex officio capacity as the Diversity Council representative. Earl W. Houston, II of Martin, Tate, Morrow & Marston, P.C. in Memphis, Tennessee, moves from an ex officio role as Diversity Council representative into a director role.
The 2022-23 USLAW NETWORK Board of Directors includes:
Executive Committee
- Amanda P. Ketchum, Chair: Dysart Taylor, Kansas City, MO
- Oscar J. Cabanas, Vice Chair: Wicker Smith, Miami, FL
- Kenneth B. Wingate, Secretary/Treasurer: Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A., Columbia, SC
- Tamara B. Goorevitz, Membership Management Director: Franklin & Prokopik, P.C., Baltimore, MD
- Thomas S. Thornton, III, Client Liaison Director: Carr Allison, Birmingham AL
- Jennifer D. Tricker, Assistant Treasurer: Baird Holm LLP, Omaha, NE
- Bradley A. Wright, Practice Group Liaison: Roetzel & Andress, Cleveland, OH
- Rodney L. Umberger, Immediate Past Chair: Williams Kastner, Seattle, WA
- Dan L. Longo, Chair Emeritus: Murchison & Cumming LLP, Los Angeles, CA
- Kevin L. Fritz, Chair Emeritus: Lashly & Baer, P.C., St. Louis, MO
- Barbara Barron: MehaffyWeber, Houston, TX
- Douglas W. Clarke: Therrien Couture Joli-Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Keely E. Duke: Duke Evett, PLLC, Boise, ID
- Stanford P. Fitts: Strong & Hanni, PC, Salt Lake City UT
- Jessica L. Fuller: Lewis Roca, Denver, CO
- Earl W. Houston, II: Martin, Tate, Morrow & Marston, P.C., Memphis, TN
- Merton A. Howard: Hanson Bridgett LLP, San Francisco, CA
- Michael A. Ludwig: Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C., Phoenix, AZ
- Robyn F. McGrath: Sweeney & Sheehan, P.C., Philadelphia, PA
- Jeffrey L. O’Hara: Connell Foley LLP in Roseland, NJ
- Larry A. Schechtman: SmithAmundsen, Chicago, IL
Ex Officio
- Frederick M. Heiser, Future Leaders Representative: Klinedinst P.C., Irvine, CA
- Michael C. Tyson, Diversity Council Representative: Wicker Smith (Central Florida), Orlando, FL
- Karen A. Verkerk, TELFA Representative: Dirkzwager, Arnhem, Netherlands
Chair Emeritus
- Thomas L. Oliver, II, Chair Emeritus: Carr Allison, Birmingham, AL
- Lew R. C. Bricker, Chair Emeritus: SmithAmundsen LLC, Chicago, IL
- John D. Cromie, Chair Emeritus: Connell Foley LLP, Roseland, NJ