Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Bavariaring 14
Munich, 80336
Phone: (+49) 89 2880300
Fax: (+49) 89 288030100
- Office: (+49) 711 22498 25
- Cell: +49 160-90679432
- Fax: +49 711-224988825
About this Firm
Buse Heberer Fromm is one of Germany’s large independent law firms. More than 100 qualified attorneys and tax consultants advise national and international clients in all areas of commercial and tax law from six locations throughout Germany (Berlin, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart), and at international offices (Brussels, London, Milan, New York, Palma de Mallorca, Paris, Sydney and Zurich). By pooling core competencies in company-wide integrated Practice Groups, Buse Heberer Fromm guarantees optimum, customized solutions for the implementation of projects and transactions of all sizes. As a law firm focusing on medium-sized companies, Buse Heberer Fromm attaches great importance to the individual support of its clients, personal advisory services, and continuity in its client relationships.
Areas of Practice
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Banking and Financial Services
- Bankruptcy, Creditor's Rights, and Insolvency
- Business Litigation and Class Actions
- Business Transactions/Mergers and Acquisitions
- Commercial and Business Contracts
- Construction Law
- Energy/Oil & Gas
- Family Law
- Franchise
- Healthcare Law
- IP and Technology
- Information Technology
- Insurance Law
- International Business and trade
- Labor and Employment
- Life, Health and Disability
- Media and Communications
- Private Equity
- Public Finance
- Public Utilities and Administrative
- Real Estate
- Tax Law
- Telecommunications
- Transportation and Logistics
Primary USLAW Practice Group Contacts
Jan Tibor Lelley
Resources & Articles

TELFA releases 2023 European Whistleblower Jurisdictional Overview
The Trans European Law Firms Alliance (TELFA) recently released the 2023 TELFA Whistleblower Jurisdictional Overview to help convey at a high level the different approaches and traditions in the 16 listed member states (see last page). USLAW established a mutual relationship with TELFA in 2007. Background on the EU Whistleblower… Continue Reading